
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Reasons I Love SF: Celebrations are HUGE

In light of the history made last week, just in time for Pride in many cities, I decided I needed to partake in some part of the festivities this weekend. According to many of the friends I met at Dolores Park, this was the biggest march ever. And, I don't doubt it. Check out these snaps of the crowds:

I am proud of the Supreme Court and everyone who helped make true marriage equality a reality. For all of my relatives, friends, and other loved ones. Amazing!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reasons I Love SF: People Support Each Other's Art

The weekend before last, I mentioned an artistic experience called He Moved Swiftly but Gently Down the Not Too Crowded Street. As I might have also mentioned, it was a five hour program and I was only able to do half of it. This weekend, I had a friend visiting from Eau Claire, WI and she was game to follow a couple hours of the performance from the beginning and catch some of the acts that I had missed, and one that I wanted to see again in the sunshine.

Upon our arrival at 32 Page Street, I saw a former colleague and mutual friend of my co-worker that was performing. And, tons more participants than the week before. The weather was much warmer than the weekend before which may have contributed to the turn-out. It was great to hear on Monday that the crowds apparently grew throughout the second weekend of shows (June 21 - 23). Recently, a friend of a friend mentioned that Oakland feels more like a community to her. But, being there with old friends and new, supporting an artistic soul, felt very San Francisco.

The portions that we caught seemed to be about belonging and carrying history and "landmarks" with you. They were beautiful pieces in beautiful settings.

An actor, playing Ed Mock in the window of Zuni Cafe 
 A beautiful use of space at Salle Pianos and Events on Market at Rose Street

Spoken word about forgotten landmarks at Picaro

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Reasons I Love SF: Amazing Musical Acts Come Here

On Friday night, a colleague from out of town asked me to join her for a show at the Independent. It's been years since I've been there but, the video of the Staves my colleague sent me caused me to think it was a show I wanted to see. And, I was not wrong.

We started off with another colleague at Beretta for bites and fancy cocktails. I did a very unusual thing, thinking we were going to have to wait for hours, and lied about our entire party being present... While our third didn't show up for maybe 30 minutes, we were not asked to leave our prime table location, thank god. People don't get seated immediately on a Friday at Beretta... ever.

Then we cabbed over to the Independent and caught the show. My colleague co-runs Sofar Sounds (a super cool series of intimate musical shows in people's living rooms) in Mexico City and so we stayed behind to talk with the sweet ladies of the band, afterwards. Their tracks are now on repeat in my apartment whenever I'm here... Brilliant!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Reasons I Love SF: High Brow Entertainment

A colleague of mine is dancing and singing in a free city walk of performance art called He Moved Swiftly but Gently Down the Not Too Crowded Street, a tribute to Ed Mock. Mock was an important leader in the dance community during the 70s and 80s, in San Francisco. And, the pieces that have been constructed throughout the Mission are beautiful and interesting and one of a kind.

Some other colleagues and I joined in the walking tour, cutting in and out as we saw fit for food and drink. One colleague mentioned that it was one of the weirdest but, best days in San Francisco in ten years of living here. I nodded in whole-hearted agreement. The event was made up of performances in mattress and piano stores, restaurants, alleyways, and in the middle of Valencia Street. After a few hours, we joined in a Second Line parade down Shotwell Street, singing along with the singer/dancers goading us along. The neighbors came out to their balconies, much like during New Orleans's Mardi Gras. Despite the socked in weather, our troop was sharing the light of a very special man all over town.

It all ended with a disco, a beautiful song sung by my co-worker in the lobby of ODC Theatre, where pictures of Ed Mock were displayed. And, more dancing in the street. I'm going back for more next weekend.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Reasons I Love the Park: And

There are so many reasons that I love Golden Gate Park that I thought I would just start delving deeper into them as just another way to express why I love San Francisco...

The "And" in this post's title is in reference to a series of Ford commercials that have been playing somewhat incessantly as of late. But, the premise behind them is that "and is better than or". And, I have to admit, that is probably almost always true. Not to belabor the point but, in the ads, they compare Bed and Breakfasts vs. Bed or Breakfasts and sweet and sour vs. sweet or sour. You get the point. In the case of Golden Gate Park, there is art AND nature AND lots of places to run AND actual wildlife AND people.

This evening, I was running (something I've recently reintroduced to my life) towards Ocean Beach when there was the tell-tale sign of people stopped and taking pictures. This has happened before so, I've learned that where there are people standing and snapping photos there is probably something unique going on. I slowed and sure enough, out of the brush across the street, saunters a coyote. Not a domesticated dog. Not a feral cat. Both of which are also frequent visitors to the park. But, a coyote. Lincoln Avenue traffic was not even a short city block away and there was a coyote... Pretty cool.

I sauntered away myself, back in the other direction.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Reasons I Love SF: Hop Skip and a Jump Away

My parents live (and I spent summers in my childhood) an hour west of Yosemite and so, I've been there more than a few times. Recently, my aunt and uncle from Chicago came for a tour of beautiful state and federal parks in parts of inland California and made a stop at my parents'. As such, we spent a Friday afternoon enjoying Yosemite. Namely, Glacier Point and Hetch Hetchy.

It never fails, no matter how many times I see these places... I'm always in awe at the beauty that still exists in the world. And, the fact that it's just over three hours away from San Francisco is just another added perk.

Of course, these photos do not do the magnificence of these places any justice but, alas.... it's all one can do to capture them....

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Reasons I Love SF: Reuse Can Be Art

My former boss and I met up on Friday at Crissy Field since I was working from home. It had been a long time since I'd gone beyond my former employer's building or off the path to the Golden Gate Bridge and I had missed that Doyle Drive is close to being complete (at least the tunnel is open). But, better than that, SF MOMA has an outstanding exhibit throughout Crissy Field for the next year featuring huge metal structures by Mark di Suvero, made from the remains of the former Doyle Drive overpass. We wandered in amongst the sculptures, took a bunch of photos (see below), and sat on Are Years What? for quite some time just enjoying the sunny day. What a brilliant idea to create things of grand beauty out of garbage...