
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Go 49ers

One thing I will say about San Francisco is that it is a great place to be a fan. Especially during the past few years with the Giants going to the World Series and now, with the 49ers playing in the NFL play offs! I'm not a sports watcher and still find it exciting to walk or drive down the empty streets of San Francisco during a big game and see signs outside fancy olive oil stores cheering on the Giants and the entire fleet of MUNI and Samtrans buses with "Go 49ers!" on their location screens. The bus stops downtown even show the current score... It is a citywide phenomenon.

When Obama won the Presidential Election in 2008, I could hear the neighbors of the friends' in whose home I was watching the results cheering as the entire city collectively learned the outcome. And, when I went out to stand at the corner of 18th Street and Church to wait for the bus, all 800,000 plus residents appeared to be driving, walking or riding their bicycles past me squealing with happiness and carrying on. It was infectious.

And so, I would just say that one of the great parts of living in San Francisco is feeling like a member of a community. Of sports fans (or not), of like-minded progressive individuals, of people who compost their garbage.

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