
Friday, January 24, 2014

Reasons I Love the Sunset: A New Series

As usual, at the end of the year my posts waned despite the many activities logged in my calendar. Instead of trying to go back in time however, I'm hopeful that some of the end of year fun will be captured along with the new year vigor. Especially since the Bay Area Ridge Hiking Challenge continues (we have like 900 miles to go or something...). 

Just now, as I was walking home from one of my jogs through the park, I realized that I could kick-start this year with yet another new series: Reasons I Love the Sunset. Last September, I jotted down a few reasons why I enjoy my neighborhood so much but, there are many more! Therefore, like I did last year with all of San Francisco, in 2014, I hope to highlight some of the hidden treasures as well as those places that everyone knows about, in the Sunset. Like the rest of this blog, it is an ode to where I spend my time.

As a jumping off point, I will simply say that every neighborhood in San Francisco (and probably in most cities, for that matter) has its night navigators who pick through garbage cans for recyclables, the little independent coffee shop that makes the best almond milk latte on the planet, and maybe an indie video (or book) store that they can get lost in for hours. But, the Sunset is sort of like Madonna; it is constantly re-inventing itself. The avenues on the south side of the park have been home to one of the greatest health food co-ops in the Bay Area for decades (or as long as I've been alive) and for almost as long they have been host to a store with 90,000 DVDs and VHS tapes, many of them rare and hard to find. The Sunset also just opened San Francisco's newest Le Boulange and small, unique shops keep cropping up everywhere.

And so, along with Reasons I Love SF and Reasons I Love the Park, there are now Reasons I Love the Sunset.

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